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August 30, 2006 Amended MInutes

Amended Minutes of Meeting of August 30, 2006

Members Present:        Paul Anderson, Tom Davis, Mark Livings, Dave Tyler, Jim Barton (Alternate) and Ed Farrell (Alternate)

Members Absent: Reggie Bancroft

Others Present: WPCA Superintendent Kevin Leslie, WPCA Attorney Vincent Purnhagen, and Recording Secretary Laura Michael
Time and Place
Paul Anderson, Chairman, called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. at the East Windsor WPCA Administration Building.  

I.  Designate Alternate to Sit for Absent Member
Jim Barton was designated to sit for absent member Reggie Bancroft.

II.  Acceptance of Minutes of July 26, 2006

Motion: To accept the minutes of July 26, 2006.
                Livings abstained
III.  Payment of Bills

Motion: To authorize the payment of the August 30, 2006 bill sheet in the amount of $49,727.13.
        Discussion:  Mr. Leslie went over the bill sheet outlining any unusual bills.  
                Passed unanimously.

IV.  Visitors – There were no visitors.

V.  Receipt of Applications
Chris Lin, Chinese/Japanese Restaurant, 4 Prospect Hill Rd
Mr. Leslie explained that he referred Ms. Lin to Town Engineer Len Norton.  Mr. Norton provided estimated flow information for the restaurant.  Ms. Lin still needs to address the grease trap issue.

Wal-mart, 69 Prospect Hill Rd
Mr. Leslie explained that an application was submitted for an addition of a canopy over the Wal-mart garden area.  The DEP is asking garden centers to install canopies to run rainwater into storm drains.  Mr. Norton reported that the plans and details were in order and there would not be any additional EDU’s.

Motion: To receive the application of Wal-mart, 69 Prospect Hill Rd.
                Passed unanimously.

Taco Bell/KFC, 43 Prospect Hill Rd
Mr. Leslie explained that an application was submitted for Taco Bell/KFC.  Mr. Norton has accepted the plans in his memo.

Motion: To receive the application of Taco Bell/KFC, 43 Prospect Hill Rd, MHF Design Consultants, Inc., 103 Stiles Rd, Suite One, Salem, New Hampshire, revision date 7/20/06.
        Passed unanimously.

Donald Corkum, 179 South Main St
Mr. Leslie explained that Mr. Corkum reported having an emergency situation; his septic system had failed.  After discussing the situation with Mr. Corkum, Mr. Leslie made a site visit.  Mr. Leslie and Mr. Norton agree there is a need for an oil/water interceptor.  Mr. Leslie has sent a letter explaining this to Mr. Corkum and is waiting to hear back from him.  Mr. Corkum has submitted an application and fees but there is no site plan.  This application is incomplete and will be continued.

Motion:         To suspend the regular meeting for the purpose of holding the public hearing scheduled at 7:30 p.m.
        Passed unanimously.

VI.  Public Hearing Scheduled at 7:30 p.m.

Motion: To open the public hearing as published in the legal notice for Coleman Farms East Windsor LLC, 4 Skyline View Rd and Benson Enterprises, Inc., 17B Pasco Dr.
                Passed unanimously.

There was no one present for Coleman Farms East Windsor LLC, 4 Skyline View Rd.  Mr. Leslie stated that this is a new unit in an active adult community and one-half of the FCC has been paid.

There was no one present for Benson Enterprises, Inc., 17B Pasco Dr.  Mr. Leslie stated that this is a new residential condo unit and one-half of the FCC has been paid.

Motion:         To close the public hearing for Coleman Farms LLC, 4 Skyline View Rd and Benson Enterprises, Inc., 17B Pasco Dr.
                Passed unanimously.

Motion: To resume the regular meeting.
                Passed unanimously.

VII.  Approval of Applications
SJK Properties, Quarry Meadow, Depot St
Mr. Leslie distributed a letter from Attorney Fahey asking for a continuance.  Mr. Leslie stated that the applicant has not submitted revisions of plans from Mr. Norton’s memo dated 7/26/06; the concerns have only been addressed verbally.  A lengthy discussion followed concerning the legal time line for applications and how far along into the time line this project is.

Attorney Purnhagen arrived at 7:42 pm and remained until adjournment.

Attorney Purnhagen provided information about the legal time line for applications.  Attorney Purnhagen thought the request for a continuance to the next meeting was fair since the applicant had just hired an attorney this past week.

Motion: To continue the approval of SJK Properties, Quarry Meadow, Depot St, until the next meeting.
        Passed unanimously.

Mr. Anderson asked Attorney Purnhagen if a public hearing would be needed for Wal-mart since
                         there are no additional EDU’s.  Attorney Purnhagen replied there would not be a need for a public hearing.

Wal-mart, 69 Prospect Hill Rd

Motion: To approve that application of Wal-mart, 69 Prospect Hill Rd.  There is a zero change in FCC.
        Passed unanimously.

Taco Bell/KFC, 43 Prospect Hill Rd

Motion: To approve the application of Taco Bell/KFC, 43 Prospect Hill Rd.
        Passed unanimously.

VIII.  Legal

Mr. Leslie explained that there is a sewer user account that is approaching it’s 13th
year of delinquency.  He asked Attorney Purnhagen for the best way to proceed.  Attorney
Purnhagen replied that if issuing a warrant does not work, the next step would be foreclosure.  It
was decided that Mr. Barton, who is a State Marshal and handles delinquent collections for the
WPCA, would inform the property owner, who is currently under warrant, that the next step would
be foreclosure.  

IX.  Action on Facility Connection Charges

Motion: To impose the Facility Connection Charges as published for Coleman Farms East Windsor LLC, 4 Skyline View Rd and Benson Enterprises, Inc., 17B Pasco Dr.
        Passed unanimously.

X.  Action on Proposed Amendment to Sanitary Sewer Construction Guidelines
     (Force Mains)

Motion:         To approve the Proposed Amendment to Sanitary Sewer Construction Guidelines (Force Mains) as published in a memo from Cummings & Lanza dated June 28, 2006.  
        Passed unanimously.

XI.  Unfinished Business
            Newberry Rd Assessments
                        Mr. Leslie distributed information on the Newberry Rd properties.  He asked that the Board think about what kind of adjustments need to be made and how much of the cost of the project to recover for next month’s meeting.  The following month they could adopt the policy and the month after that hold a public hearing.

Prospect Hill Rd Assessments
These assessments will be completed after the Newberry Rd Assessments.

Establishment of Sewer Service Area
There was nothing new to report.

XII.  New Business
Superintendent’s Report
Mr. Leslie reported that he received the DEP’s regulations on fats, oils and grease.  It is much more complicated than he thought it would be.  A lengthy questionnaire will need to be sent to all restaurants.  The restaurants will then need to be classified.

Mr. Leslie explained that there are still problems at Mill Pond.  The WPCA is paying more money than it should. The cost of clearing plugs and cleaning out wet wells is adding up. He suggested sending a letter to Mill Pond Management stating that this is their responsibility.  The Board agreed.   

Mr. Leslie reported that the WPCA received a check from the State of CT for nitrogen credit in the amount of $6,292.00.  A chart has been made up and this year we are ahead of last year.

Next month the Three Year Reviews for this year will be on the agenda.

Mr. Leslie explained to the Board that he would be unable to attend next month’s meeting and asked if it would be all right for Mr. Alibozek to attend in his place.  The Board agreed with this.

Mr. Anderson asked for a time line of the SJK Property application.  He also questioned whether the Wal-mart application would trigger a three-year FCC review.  

XIII.  Adjournment

Motion: To adjourn the meeting at 8:55 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,

Laura Michael   
Recording Secretary